On October 17, 2023, FRAME project partners (Souphanouvong University and Savannakhet University, Laos) organized the host dissemination event at the Crowned Plaza Hotel, Vientiane Capital, Laos, jointly with project partners from the University of Helsinki, Finland, the Czech University of Life Science, Czech Republic and Chiang Mai University in Thailand. The chair of the event is the President of Savannakhet University, Co-chair Department of Higher Education, EU-delegation officer in Vientiane capital, and Project manager from the University of Helsinki, participants from the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment, Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry, Faculty of Forestry Science, Faculty of Economics, and Vice President of National University of Laos, and other EU projects in Laos.
October 3, 2023, Thai-university partners, Chiang Mai and Kasetsart Universities representing the FRAME project, participate in the ERAMUS+ Roadshow in Thailand 2023, in Bangkok hosted by Kasetsart University. There are several other projects, for example, ASTRA, The GLOW, Skybelt, and SWAP, joining the event with their exhibitions throughout the day. Mr. Emanuel GERTH from Brussels is also at this gathering. The event is financially supported by the ERAMUS+ Program of the EU.
On Oct the 2nd, 2023, Thai-university partners, Chiang Mai and Kasetsart Universities representing the FRAME project, participate in the Cluster Meeting of ERAMUS+ CBHE (Capacity Building in Higher Education) projects in Bangkok hosted by Kasetsart University. There are several other projects, for example, ASTRA, The GLOW, Skybelt, and SWAP, joining the event and share good project practices and ideas. All the participating projects present about their work and get an opportunity to know potential future project partners. Mr. Emanuel GERTH from Brussels is also at this gathering. The event is financially supported by the ERAMUS+ Program of the EU.
Big Congratulations!
Today is Monday, August 28, 2023, Souphanouvong University (SU) has a celebration event for the Annual Meeting of the year 2023 and students' graduation. There are especially 18 postgraduate students from the Agricultural and Environmental Forestry Science program, which was funded by the FRAME project.
The first week of August was dedicated to the final meeting of the FRAME project, which was organized by KU in Phuket, Thailand. The first two days were mainly focused on reporting and evaluating project activities and preparing the final report. In addition to project partners, external independent evaluators also participated in the meeting, and a project administrator from EACEA, the European Education and Culture Executive Agency of the European Commission, joined online.
During 12-16 June 2023, the Training of Trainers (TOT) Module on Timber Harvesting and Work Safety has been held in Savannakhet University (SKU) organized by Kasetsart University for Savannakhet University under FRAME, Erusmus+. This module is lectured by Assist. Prof. Chakrit Na Takuathung for Forest Work Safety and Assist. Prof. Nopparat Kaakkurivaara for Timber Harvesting and there are 8 SKU participants from Forestry Department, Faculty of Agriculture and Environment. The objectives for this TOT 1. Identify course design methods relevant to the target audience. 2. Reflect on their own teaching style. 3. Refine the delivery of interactive training activities and presentations in their respective area of expertise.
Forest restoration science and research (202871) is available this semester for graduate students. The course covers all aspects of forest restoration, from tree nursery techniques to using technology for monitoring. Students will learn with experts and use new technology, especially in unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV). This course is developed by FORRU-CMU team under FRAME project (co-funded by ERAMUS+Programe of the European Union).
On 27-28 May, 2023, Savannakhet University FRAME team, lecturers and master students visit the wood factory (Bua kham Sakonkamai 1990), Small holder Teak plantation, and forest plantation demonstration plots of Puparn Development study Center the field Trip in Sakon Nakhon Province, Thailand Organized by Kasetsart University and Savannakhet University Supported by FRAME Erasmus+ Project
Between 15-17 March 2023, an Academic products and Innovation Exhibition took place at Savannakhet University within the FRAME project.
21 May 2023
May the 19th 2023 (The last day), of the 4-week FRAME short-term capacity buliding activities in Europe, at Czech University of Life Sciences Prague (CZUP) is at Institute of Education and Communication (IEC) for Lessons Learned from the Educational Activity, Awarding of Certificates for Active Participation in the Project, Overall Conclusion, and Closure of the Project Activities. Academic staffs from Thai Universities (Chiang Mai and Kasetsart Universities) and Lao Universities (Savannakhet and Souphanouvong Universities) are participanting.
May the 18th 2023, of the 4-week FRAME short-term capacity buliding activities in Europe, at Czech University of Life Sciences Prague (CZUP) is at Institute of Education and Communication (IEC) for Interactive Lecture on Didactic and Presentation Skills at the University Environment (Ways of Activation of Students in Education) and Videotraining of Didactic and Presentation Skills for Academics. Academic staffs from Thai Universities (Chiang Mai and Kasetsart Universities) and Lao Universities (Savannakhet and Souphanouvong Universities) are participanting.
May the 17th 2023, of the 4-week FRAME short-term capacity buliding activities in Europe, at Czech University of Life Sciences Prague (CZUP) is at Institute of Education and Communication (IEC) for Interactive Lecture on Didactic and Presentation Skills at the University Environment (Evaluation in the University Environment: Experience and Examples) and Videotraining of Didactic and Presentation Skills for Academics. Academic staffs from Thai Universities (Chiang Mai and Kasetsart Universities) and Lao Universities (Savannakhet and Souphanouvong Universities) are participanting.
May the 16th 2023, of the 4-week FRAME short-term capacity buliding activities in Europe, at Czech University of Life Sciences Prague (CZUP) is at Institute of Education and Communication (IEC) for Interactive Lecture on Didactic and Presentation Skills at the University Environment (Pedagody and Didactics in Higher Education). Academic staffs from Thai Universities (Chiang Mai and Kasetsart Universities) and Lao Universities (Savannakhet and Souphanouvong Universities) are participanting.
May the 15th 2023, of the 4-week FRAME short-term capacity buliding activities in Europe, at Czech University of Life Sciences Prague (CZUP) is at Institute of Education and Communication (IEC) (Welcome, Introduction, Tour of IEC CZU Prague Campus and Interactive Lecture on Didantic and Presentation Skills at the university environment on The Art of Effective Communication and Presentation). Academic staffs from Thai Universities (Chiang Mai and Kasetsart Universities) and Lao Universities (Savannakhet and Souphanouvong Universities) are participanting.
May the 12th 2023, of the 4-week FRAME short-term capacity buliding activities in Europe, at Czech University of Life Sciences Prague (CZUP) is a visit to a pulpmill and sawmill operated by Mondi. Academic staffs from Thai Universities (Chiang Mai and Kasetsart Universities) and Lao Universities (Savannakhet and Souphanouvong Universities) are participanting.
May the 11th 2023, of the 4-week FRAME short-term capacity buliding activities in Europe, is for a lecture on Forestry in Czech Republic and the use of FieldMap as an effective tool in silviculture research at Czech University of Life Sciences Prague (CZUP). Academic staffs from Thai Universities (Chiang Mai and Kasetsart Universities) and Lao Universities (Savannakhet and Souphanouvong Universities) are participanting.
May the 10th 2023, of the 4-week FRAME short-term capacity buliding activities in Europe, is a visit to see nursery techniques in Ornamental Nurseries (Jevany) and the Truba Research Station of Czech University of Life Sciences Prague (CZUP). Academic staffs from Thai Universities (Chiang Mai and Kasetsart Universities) and Lao Universities (Savannakhet and Souphanouvong Universities) are participanting.
May the 9th 2023, of the 4-week FRAME short-term capacity buliding activities in Europe, is the first day at Czech University of Life Sciences Prague (CZUP). The day is started with the Welcome Speech and Presentation of Faculty of Forestry and Wood Sciences (FFWS) of CZUP with the program organizational note. The summary of the actrivities at University of Helsinki is deliberated. The campus tour is done in the afternoon. Academic staffs from Thai Universities (Chiang Mai and Kasetsart Universities) and Lao Universities (Savannakhet and Souphanouvong Universities) are participanting.
May the 5th 2023, of the 4-week FRAME short-term capacity buliding activities in Europe, is the last day at University of Helsinki. Certificates are given and future collaborations are discussed. Academic staffs from Thai Universities (Chiang Mai and Kasetsart Universities) and Lao Universities (Savannakhet and Souphanouvong Universities) are participanting.
May the 4th, 2023, of the 4-week FRAME short-term capacity buliding activities in Europe, is a continuation of Grant Writing Workshop (Outputs & Outcomes, Planning & Targeting Applications, The Review Process, Real-World Examples) at University of Helsinki. Academic staffs from Thai Universities (Chiang Mai and Kasetsart Universities) and Lao Universities (Savannakhet and Souphanouvong Universities) are participanting.
May the 3rd, 2023, of the 4-week FRAME short-term capacity buliding activities in Europe, is about carbon! CO2FIX and CarboScen softwares are introduced and tried on using various data sets at University of Helsinki. Academic staffs from Thai Universities (Chiang Mai and Kasetsart Universities) and Lao Universities (Savannakhet and Souphanouvong Universities) are participanting.
May the 2nd, 2023, of the 4-week FRAME short-term capacity buliding activities in Europe, is for Grant Writing Workshop (Resources and Guides, Finding Funding, Drafting Proposals and Plans including Formulating the Research and The Generic Template) at University of Helsinki. Academic staffs from Thai Universities (Chiang Mai and Kasetsart Universities) and Lao Universities (Savannakhet and Souphanouvong Universities) are participanting.
April the 28th, 2023, of the 4-week FRAME short-term capacity buliding activities in Europe, is about research and thesis plan (lecture and group work) and academic ethics at University of Helsinki. Academic staffs from Thai Universities (Chiang Mai and Kasetsart Universities) and Lao Universities (Savannakhet and Souphanouvong Universities) are participanting.
April the 27th, 2023, of short-term capacity buliding activities in Europe is about thesis supervision (lecture and group work) at University of Helsinki. Academic staffs from Thai Universities (Chiang Mai and Kasetsart Universities) and Lao Universities (Savannakhet and Souphanouvong Universities) are participanting.
26 April 2023
April the 26th, 2023, of the 4-week FRAME short-term capacity buliding activities in Europe is about E-Learning at University of Helsinki. Academic staffs from Thai Universities (Chiang Mai and Kasetsart Universities) and Lao Universities (Savannakhet and Souphanouvong Universities) are participanting.
April the 24th, 2023, is the first day of the 4-week FRAME short-term capacity buliding activities in Europe. Academic staffs from Thai Universities (Chiang Mai and Kasetsart Universities) and Lao Universities (Savannakhet and Souphanouvong Universities) are participanting. The first day was an introduction and tours of the campus and the city by VITRI of University of Helsinki. There are also staffs from another university is Lao PDR (National University of Laos) and universities in Viet Nam who are involoved in other projects administrated by VITRI joining in on the first day. The following day, April the 25th, invloves an Introduction to Land Change and a practical session on the using of QGIS program.
The FORRU-CMU FRAME will be launching a new MOOC course on Fundamental Ecosystem Restoration soon via CMU's School of Lifelong Education (CMU-LE)! The course is focused on a range of interesting topics related to tropical forest restoration and features expert lectures in the field. Please follow us for more details on the course launching soon!
Promotional video here.
KU Team visited SKU. The Dean of KU Graduate School, Assoc. Prof. Srijidtra Charoenlarpnopparut, paid a visit to Assoc. Prof. Sitha Khemmarath, the Vice President of SKU on Research and Postgraduate Studies, to pay respects and discuss future collaboration on graduate studies. Assoc. Prof. Srij idtra Charoen larpnopparut gave a special lecture to Engineering students on the importance of electrical Engineering and communication engineering. Assoc. Prof. Songklod Jarusom buti and Asst. Prof. Nopparat Kaakkurivaara visited the wood processing workshop to explore opportunities and discuss arrangements for equipment installation. KU teams met with Dr. Somphong Chanthavong and SKU team to discuss upcoming capacity building activities, including dates, responsible individuals, participant numbers, and activity detaiIs.
Testing four types of drones ready for the workshop - Air2S for manual flight training, Phantom4ProV for photogrammetry, Phantom multispectral/RTK for high precision forest monitoring and the T10 heavy lift for spraying etc. Participants will learn flying by the sticks, and how to fly the automated flight plans they will have prepared on Day 1 of the workshop. Images gathered will be analyzed on Day 3. We also have an array of distinguished speakers, lined up for Day 4 - some live, some by Zoom covering a diverse range of forest-drone related topics. 11 FRAME participants have registered for the workshop so far.
On the 30th January 2023, the Wood Technology Workshop has started for a week as the second workshop in Savannnakhet, Lao PDR under the capacity building activities of FRAME project, Erusmus+ , this workshop jointly organized by CZU and SKU, the participants from Kasertsart University (KU), Thailand, and Souphanouvong University (SU) and Savannakhet University (SKU), Lao PDR
Friday is the field day! January the 27th, 2023, is the fifth and last day of the Sustainable Forest Management and Forest Bioeconomy course jointly organized by CZU and SKU. The group of FRAME’s partnered universities, including Chiang Mai University (CMU) and Kasertsart University (KU), Thailand, and Souphanouvong University (SU) and Savannakhet University (SKU), Lao PDR, went to Xonbuly town, outside Savannakhet City, to visit the National Eld’s Deer Sanctuary. The group?i’s excited to see the deers in their natural habitat of dry dipterocarp forest. Before returning to the city, the group discussed the sanctuary’s situation with the park rangers and graduate students from SKU.
It’s all about “Management” on Thursday! January the 26th, 2023, is the forth day of the Sustainable Forest Management and Forest Bioeconomy course jointly organized by CZU and SKU. The group of FRAME?’s partnered universities, including Chiang Mai University (CMU) and Kasertsart University (KU), Thailand, and Souphanouvong University (SU) and Savannakhet University (SKU), Lao PDR, attended a whole-day lecture by Martin Cabrada with a discussion section on several aspects of management as a subject and project management as a case study.
Wednesday's a great midweek day to learn about NTFPs! January the 25th, 2023, is the third day of the Sustainable Forest Management and Forest Bioeconomy course jointly organized by CZU and SKU. The group of FRAME’s partnered universities, including Chiang Mai University (CMU) and Kasertsart University (KU), Thailand, and Souphanouvong University (SU) and Savannakhet University (SKU), Lao PDR, attended a whole-day lecture by Dr. Kalabova on Non-Timber Products Management (NTFPs). Dr. Kalabova had a fun Kahoot activity for the participants to play at the bebinning to learn an introduction to NTFPs. The participants also joined a group discussion on hunting tourism possibilities in Lao PDR and Thailand.
January the 24th, 2023, is the second day of the Sustainable Forest Management and Forest Bioeconomy course jointly organized by CZU and SKU. The group of FRAME’s partnered universities, including Chiang Mai University (CMU) and Kasertsart University (KU), Thailand, and Souphanouvong University (SU) and Savannakhet University (SKU), Lao PDR, attended the first lecture in the morning by Prof Remes on Sustainable Plantation Forestry - Nursery materials and silviculture intervention. Then, Dr. Martin Jankovsky provided another lecture on Harvesting Operations in Forests in the afternoon.
January the 23rd, 2023, featured a cool and misty morning in Suvannnakhet, Lao PDR, for a group of FRAME’s partnered universities, including Chiang Mai University (CMU) and Kasertsart University (KU), Thailand, and Souphanouvong University (SU) and Savannakhet University (SKU), Lao PDR, to start the day. It’s the beginning day of the Sustainable Forest Management and Forest Bioeconomy course jointly organized by CZU and SKU. Professor Remes of CZU gave a lecture on forest resource management and planning for the first day.
Last but not least! The fourth and last day of the VR in Teaching Training at KU in Bangkok, on the 9th of Dec, 2022, was about modeling forest growth. Participants from FRAME partners, CMU and KU (Thailand) and SKU and SU of Lao PDR, learned how to model forest growth using Sibyla software with instructions from CZU staffs for the entire day. This whole week was productive and applicable for the training participants. The training is jointly organized by KU and CZU. The FRAME project is sponsored by the Eramus+ Program of the EU.
(Almost) the last day! The third day of the VR in Teaching Training at KU in Bangkok, on the 8th of Dec, 2022, was about the VR itself as implied the training title. Participants from FRAME partners, CMU and KU (Thailand) and SKU and SU of Lao PDR, learned the whole day how to build VR media from point cloud data with instructions from CZU staffs. The training is jointly organized by KU and CZU. The FRAME project is sponsored by the Eramus+ Program of the EU.
It's a practical day! The second day of the VR in Teaching Training at KU in Bangkok, on the 7th of Dec, 2022, was about data collection and analysis. Participants from FRAME partners, CMU and KU (Thailand) and SKU and SU of Lao PDR learned about LiDAR today with instructions from CZU staffs. They were instructed about data collection of terrestrial laser scanning and photos for 3D construction in the morning. The afternoon session was about data analysis for point cloud and 3D object. The training is jointly organized by KU and CZU. The FRAME project is sponsored by the Eramus+ Program of the EU.
The VR in Teaching Training at KU in Bangkok has been started today, the 6th of Dec, 2022! Participants from FRAME partners, CMU and KU (Thailand) and SKU and SU of Lao PDR met and greeted on this first day with instructors from CZU. The activities are all about R-package for remote sensing for the entire day. The training is jointly organized by KU and CZU. The FRAME project is sponsored by the Eramus+ Program of the EU.
The 2nd of Dec, 2022, is the last day of the FRAME event, Role of Higher Education Institute (HEI) in Sustainable Forest Management and Bio-economy. On this day, participants from FRAME partners, CMU (Thailand) and SKU and SU of Lao PDR, joined the discussion session on Identifying gaps in knowledge, skills, attitude, and competences, related to Bioeconomy and Sustainable Forest Management. The participants then identified potential activities possibly performed in the last year of the FRAME project, which will be ended in November, 2023. The participants were rather satisfied with the week-long capacity building event, which is jointly organized by KU and CZU. The FRAME project is sponsored by the Erasmus+ Program of the EU.
The 1st Dec, 2022 is the fourth day of the FRAME event, Role of Higher Education Institute (HEI) in Sustainable Forest Management and Bio-economy. On this day, participants from FRAME partners, CMU (Thailand) and SKU and SU of Lao PDR, participated in the Workshop on Forest Biogeography in the morning and in the first half of the afternoon. Then, Dr. Nicholas Hogarth did an online presentation from Zambia on "Perspective of Forestry Education in the Asia-Pacific and Opportunities for Lifelong Learning Development" followed by a group discussion related to his presentation. The event is jointly organized by KU and CZU. The FRAME project is sponsored by the Eramus+ Program of the EU.
The 30th Nov, 2022 is the third day of the FRAME event, Role of Higher Education Institute (HEI) in Sustainable Forest Management and Bio-economy. On this day, participants from FRAME partners, CMU (Thailand) and SKU and SU of Lao PDR, were lectured on Bioeconomy as a concept, Forest bioeconomy description, Systems thinking approach, and Forest bioeconomy in particular sectors, in the morning. In the afternoon, the participants were lectures on Implementation of bioeconomy approach in policy, Transition barriers, and Forest bioeconomy application examples. The event is jointly organized by KU and CZU. The FRAME project is sponsored by the Eramus+ Program of the EU.
On the 29th Nov, 2022, the Second day of the FRAME workshop in Sustainable Forest Management of the private sector in Thailand (SCGP company), is a good company working with FSC standards for sustainable forest management (SFM) in Thailand. The event is jointly organized by KU and CZU. The FRAME project is sponsored by the Eramus+ Program of the EU.
On the 28th Nov, 2022, the first day of the FRAME event, Role of Higher Education Institute (HEI) in Sustainable Forest Management and Bio-economy was started. Participants from FRAME partners, CMU (Thailand) and SKU and SU of Lao PDR, visited the Donslap-Laokhaun plantation of the Forest Industry Organization (FIO). Successful and unsuccessful attempts at sustainable forest management in Thailand were discussed. The event is jointly organized by KU and CZU. The FRAME project is sponsored by the Eramus+ Program of the EU.
On the 23rd of November, 2022, FORRU-CMU staffs met to finalize online lecture and VDO contents of the new FRAME-sponsored MOOC course entitled Fundamental Ecosystem Restoration, which will be available thru Chiang Mai University's School of Lifelong Education (LE) in 2023. Doi Suthep Nature Center crew also attended this meeting to provide their VDO-footage inputs from the recent workshop on Establishing and Managing a Forest Restoration Teaching and Research Program organized by FORRU_CMU to compliment to MOOC course.
On the 22nd of November, 2022, all FRAME partners met online for another consortium meeting. Meeting agenda included Project updates (Midterm report, staff exchange, and etc.) from UH, Updates from other partners, and Upcoming activities such as remaining trainings in 2023, and other urgently emerging issues. The second, of the total three, year of the FRAME project has just been ended in this November. All activities are going along rather well.
On the 15th of Nov, FORRU-CMU senior staffs met onsite to discuss various topics related to the FRAME project management and planning. The discussed topics included Summarising the first European staff exchange trip, Planning FORRU's 2023 workshops for the other Southeast Asian partners, and Nominating staffs and students for the upcoming workshops in Bangkok and Lao PDR.
The EU's FRAME project sponsors the revision of the existing course, 202484 Restoration Ecology, of CMU's Biology Department at Faculty of Science. The coure is, therefore, updated with new teaching materials, and is aimed for upper-level undergraduate students. It contains lectures and practicals.
Today is the last day of the workshop. Participants from KU, SKU, and SU, finished their week of the workshop "Establishing and Managing a Forest Restoration Teaching and Research Program" with lectures and a discussion at Doi Suthep Nature Center (DSNC). The lecture and discussion topics included continuation of yesterday’s lectures on Managing information and selecting species, Managing logistics of restoration projects, FORRU’s education and outreach programs, and Social aspects of forest restoration. A demonstration of FORRU database was also included. They ended the workshop week with Open forum – Discussion group. It’s anticipated that all activities and discussion topics on this workshop would be adapted for benefits of their places. The workshop is sponsored by the EU's Erasmus+ Programme under the FRAME project.
It's the last day out, and it's a another great day weatherwise to visit long-term forest restoration plots of FORRU, north of Chiang Mai city. Participants from KU, SKU, and SU, continued their week of the workshop "Establishing and Managing a Forest Restoration Teaching and Research Porgram" with a trip to Ban Mae Sa Mai. The field activities included Monitoring early forest restoration (ground survey, data collection and analysis, and using of drones), Forest restoration results, Biodiversity monitoring, Drones and the workshop are sponsored by the EU's Erasmus+ Programme under the FRAME project.
It's another great clear-sky day for outing! Participants from KU, SKU, and SU, continued their week of the workshop "Establishing and Managing a Forest Restoration Teaching and Research Porgram" with a travel up Doi Suthep for the second day. The field activities included Things about seeds (extraction, treatments, germination experiments, data collection, and analysing results), Potting and seedling growth experiments, Tree care in nurseries, Cuttings and wildings, and Production scheduling. They ended their day with a visit to Doi Suthep Temple, one of the most revered, and probably the most visited, temples in Chiang Mai.The workshop is sponsored by the EU's Eramus+ Programme under the FRAME project.
The second day of the workshop is a field day! Participants from KU, SKU, and SU, continued their week of the workshop "Establishing and Managing a Forest Restoration Teaching and Research Porgram" with a travel up Doi Suthep or Mount Suthep as Doi is a northern Thai word for mountains. The mountain is conveniently adjacent to the CMU campus. The field activities included Observations of deciduous and evergreen forests, with some discussions about challenges restoring them when degraded, Tree phenology, Nature trail transvering and visiting Doi Suthep summit, and Seed and herbarium specimen collections at FORRU's nursery on the mountain. The workshop is sponsored by the EU's Eramus+ Programme under the FRAME project.
Participants from KU, SKU, and SU, started their first day of the workshop "Establishing and Managing a Forest Restoration Teaching and Research Program" with lectures at Doi Suthep Nature Center (DSNC), Faculty of Science, Chiang Mai University, on various topics ranging from Defining forest ecosystem restoration, Forest degradation and succession, Costs and benefits of forest restoration, Establishing and managing a FORRU, Voucher specimens, Seed supply and seed banking. They then visited an onsite seed bank at DSNC and a nursery off CMU campus and ended the day with a welcome dinner. The workshop is sponsored by the EU's Eramus+ Programme under the FRAME project.
A brand new course is to be offered via the Environmental Science international undergraduated program of CMU's Faculty of Science in this coming second semester of the 2022 academic year in late November. The course is composed of lectures and practicals and will be taught by members of FORRU's experienced staffs. It was developed with the financial support from the EU's FRAME project.
In October 2022, the FRAME partner universities from Thailand (Kasetsart University and Chiangmai University) and Laos (Savannakhet University and Souphanouvong University) safely arrived in Helsinki, Finland, these are to join an exchange staff program for comprehensive staff capacity at the University of Helsinki from 2-14 October 2022. On the first day, all participants have been warmly welcomed by the FRAME project team manager of Viikki Tropical Resources Institute (VITRI) with speech opening program activities, a Campus walk and visits to the city centre. From the 2nd to 3rd day, we lectured about grant proposals, academic writing skills and conferences.
On September the 12th, 2022, FORRU's FRAME's teachers and supporting staffs met via Zoom to plan the workshop on Forest Restoration Planning and Management. The workshop will be held during the 7th - 11th of November of this year. The workshop will be attended by FRAME's partners from Lao PDR and Thailand. The workshop participants should have an idea how to set up FORRU style unit at their home institutes after the workshop.
Today we hosted Dipjoy Chakma, co-ordinator of the FRAME project A morning of project talk - preparing for mid project report and workshops at the DS Nature Centre. Afternoon - demonstrating use of drone, bought by the project budget, at FORRU-CMU's 2007 deciduous forest restoration plots at Huay Thung Tao.
CMU's FORRU's managers and teachers of the FRAME project met online on the 13th July 2022 to design detailed course materials for the MOOC on forest restoration. The MOOC course is destined for the general public and enthusiasts to learn basic knowledge about forest restoration and its optional fundamental practicals. The FRAME Project is funded by the EU's Erasmus+ Programme, which is on-going, until November, 2023.
A new course for CMU graduate students!
Forest restoration science and research (202871) is available this semester. The course covers all aspects of forest restoration, from tree nursery techniques to using technology for monitoring. Students will learn with experts and use new technology, especially in unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV). This course is developed by FORRU-CMU team under FRAME project (co-funded by ERAMUS+Programe of the European Union).
The mid-term management meeting is currently taking place at the Czech University of Life Sciences Prague (Fakulta lesnická a dřevařská - ČZU v Praze). #frameerasmus project members finally have the opportunity to meet in person. During the next 2 days, they will have the chance to discuss the implementation progress so far and plan activities for the second half of the implementation period.
On March 16th, 2022, FORRU-CMU held an online meeting with Souphanouvong University (SU) FRAME members to discuss future project plans. According to SU, they intend to establish a tree nursery on campus in accordance with FORRU's guidelines. In summary, partners set a date and program for a 5-day workshop at Chiang Mai University at the end of this year. More project activities were also planned for 2023, which is the last year of the project.
All FRAME partners met online on the 28th Feb, 2022, for another project consortium meeting. The partners updated one another on project progress, curriculum development, future trainings in Laos and Thailand, Lao and Thai staff visit to UH and CZUP, and mid-term meeting in Prague. The consortium meeting was very productive and beneficial for all the partners.
FORRU-FRAME members practiced flying drones on February 8, 2022, at the forest restoration plot MAE KI village in Mae Rim district, Chiang Mai with two goals: 1. calibrating distance-height relationships, and 2. learning new instruction for each drone model. Finally, the staffs acquired data and developed instruction to fit each drone model for the new course at the Biology Department and the Environmental Science Program, Faculty of Science, Chiang Mai University, and the MOOC course scheduled to be started in June, 2022. All UAVs are supplied through the EU-FRAME project.
17 January 2022, FORRU-FRAME team practiced precision flying using the newly acquired RTK–Multispectral drone supported by the EU-FRAME project. Finally, the protocol for our multispectral drone and RTK features were developed. This exciting new drone will be used for both teaching and research under the FRAME project and in the long term of FORRU's research and education activities.
20 December 2021
On 20th December 2021, FORRU staffs were trained by the drone company to know and be familiar with new UAVs (Unmanned Aerial Vehicles, Drones) and their operations. These drones will be used in course teaching and practicals as parts of two new and one improved EU-FRAME-supported courses at Chiang Mai University to be started in mid 2022, including research related to forest restoration. One of the new courses will be MOOC. The UAVs are supplied through the FRAME project.
UH hosted a Zoom gathering of all the FRAME partners to update on course development. Topics discussed included common and national course templates, how the courses will be reviewed by reviewers., and timeline. The course development activities of all the involved partners are well underway.
The FRAME project is featured on page 11 of issue 37 of the SAMARA newsletter. For more detail, please click here.
All the FRAME partners met online via Zoom on the 26th October 2021 for the second project consortium. The updated issues were project activities, quality control and dissemination plans, equipment procurement, and curriculum development process. Overall, the project has been progressing according to plan.
28 September 2021
On September the 28th 2021, the FRAME’s MOOC training was completed. Participants received an experience on MOOCs demonstration and shared ideas through other online platforms among the organizations. This training provided an opportunity to develop courses that suitable for learners and lecturers that they will be able to create their own courses in the future.
On September 23rd, 2021, Helsinki University held the second MOOC course online training for FRAME program. It was begun with a recap of the previous session's lecture (MOOC and online courses) by HU's expert. Moreover, the questions at the end of the topic review were provided for further information to the participants. FRAME's members learned how to use and design MOOC in this week's session. Furthermore, this session was fundamental and helpful in creating the framework of MOOC in the following training topic.
Close to 30 academic staffs from CMU, KU, SKU, and SK, participated in another pedagogy training of the FRAME project hosted by UH on the 14th Sept 2021. This time the course was focused on MOOC and online courses (concepts, creation using the Moodle system, their relations to the pedagogical principles, assignments, and assessment types).
The 3rd pedagogical principles online program on the topic of design thinking was completed on August 31, 2021. Mr. JANI HOLOPAINEN (UH Expert) gave an opportunity from each university working in group to discuss their ideas, goals, procedures, and evaluation methods. Experts also provided feedback and comments. Participants learned and discussed about design storyboard (for MOOC and Virtual Reality) to assist course planning and platforms that will enable effectiveness of building a learning material, applied for both teachers and students who attend the course. In addition, the participants learned about principle of design thinking model to create and monitor evaluation. This training program helps the FRAME working group in designing effective courses.
On August 25th, 2021, the University of Helsinki held the second online pedagogical training on the topic of Pedagogical Principles: Constructive Alignment. Mr. Jani HOLOPAINEN (Expert from UH) started this session by discussing the feedback from the previous training, followed by an explanation about direct and indirect measures of learning. Participants in each group shared experiences among their university colleagues. Then, Mr. HOLOPAINEN explained about MOOC and how to create course evaluation. Finally, the course evaluation was applied for the university’s teaching topic in accordance with pedagogical principles.
The University of Helsinki held an online pedagogy training on August 17th, 2021. This FRAME training was attended by representatives from all ASIAN partners of the project. The contents of this session was pedagogical principles and course designing based on the pedagogical models and principles. The participants discussed and exchanged experiences about teaching in various subjects. However, this practical training would make the courses better suited for prospect students.
Dr. Elliott and Wangpakapattanawong joined the 2nd FRAME consortium meeting on the 29th of June 2021 along with representatives from all partners. The main meeting goal was to evaluate the progress of all partners at the end of the preparation phase. Dr. Elliott presented the progress of CMU's FORRU whose workpieces have been advanced according to the project proposed timeframe.
27 May 2021
CMU's FRAME team members held an online meeting on the 27th May 2021 with CMU's School of Lifelong education (LE) and FRAME's EU partner University of Helsinki's Dipjoy Chakma, Dr. Jani Holopainen and Antti Lahtevanoja, to hear UH's experiences and examples on MOOC courses and pedagogy. UH's experts also showed examples of using Virtual Reality (VR) in teaching. CMU's LE also presented about CMU's MOOC's and LE's platforms on online courses.
CMU's FRAME team members held an online meeting, as a result of the on-going COVID-19 pandemic, on the 17th May 2021, with CMU's School of Lifelong Education (LE) to design MOOC courses on forest restoration. CMU (Chiang Mai University) has committed to lifelong education for alumni and the general public whom are called "learners". Those learners may later become CMU students. FORRU has taken this opportunity financially supported by Eramus+ to disseminate practical knowledge on forest restoration to a wider audience through the CMU's LE's online platform.
CMU's Frame team members held an online meeting, as a result of the on-going COVID-19 pandemic, on the 7th May 2021 to elaborate on lecture and practical contents of the graduate course on Forest Restoration Science and Research. The course is based primarily on existing research-based teaching materials of FORRU (Forest Restoration Research Unit). Some of the stakeholders' comments from the Need Assessment workshop on the 9th April are also taken into account in the course deliberation.
A FRAME's Need Assessment workshop was done successfully online with stakeholders from government sector, NGOs, universities, and private company, on the 9th April hosted by CMU's Sciecnce Faculty's Doi Suthep Nature Center. The workshop was to gather the participants' comments and suggestions on regular and online courses related to forest restoration to be developed and improved through CMU's Forest Restoration Research Unit (FORRU).
Today on 5 April 2021 at 15:00. We are the FRAME's project team co-funded by ERASMUS+. We had an online meeting between teachers from the Department of Forest Resource, Faculty of Agriculture and Forest Resource, Souphanouvong University and Professor in Department of Biology from Chiang Mai University, Thailand. The agenda of the meeting was to discuss on the equipment and other related issues for setting up Nursery and Tree plantation plots.
Ach. Prasit and Ach. Steve had a chance to present the FRAME project to H.E. Ambassador Jyri Järviaho from Finland and Finnish Embassy staff on 15th March, during a workshop on “Education Innovation and Sustainability” at Chiang Mai University – a fortuitous meeting, since Helsinki University is co-ordinating the project (funded by the EU’s Erasmus program). FRAME will support development of undergrad and grad courses in forest restoration at CMU and an online Diploma course. H.E. Ambassador Kjersti Rdsmoen from Norway, H.E. Ambassador Jon Strm Grndahl from Sweden and H.E. Ambassador Jon Thorgaard, from Denmark, also attended the workshop.